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John Franklin Enders Ph.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954
Co-Nobelists Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins

Virologist, Bacteriologist. Discovered ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in tissue culture. Cytopathic effect. Interferon, Viral Oncogenesis. Tissue culture enabled identifying hundreds of viruses, vaccine development.

Memorial to Advisor Zinsser: animated spontaneous conversation - literature, politics. Voltaire seemed around corner; Laurence Sterne upon the stair. Laboratory became way of life.


Journal Articles, NCBI/Pubmed Possibly more than one person with same name.

Photo Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

Name: John Franklin Enders
Birth: 10 February 1897, West Hartford, CT, USA
Death: 8 September 1985, Waterford, CT, USA
Institution: Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, Research Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Award: "for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissue"
Subject: virology
Portion of cash: 1/3
Doctoral Mentor: Hans Zinsser, Harvard Medical School. Thesis: evidence that bacterial anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity of tuberculin type are distinct phenomena. Tutee, Collaborator Thomas H. Weller, Co Nobelist
Collaborator: Frederick C. Robbins, Co Nobelist