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Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman M.A. [Physics]

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman M.A. [Physics]

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930

Atomic Physicist. Molecular Diffraction of Light. Raman Effect. Structure, optical behaviour of iridescent substances. Acoustics, violin.

Raman lost Nobel Prize money to fraudulent financer. Meeting fraudster years later, he said: You deserve Nobel Prize for your cunning in duping Nobel Laureate!

Playful comment: Unfortunately Economics Nobel instituted later in 1969!


Journey Into Light: Life and science of C.V. Raman
Ganesan Venkataraman
Indian Academy of Sciences, 1988
Original from:
The University of Michigan
Feb. 11, 2010
818532400X, 9788185324005
570 pages

Summary: The name of Raman is familiar to science not only through the effect that bears his name, but also due to derivative names such as stimulated Raman scattering and Raman laser. However, other than that he won the Nobel Prize, little is generally know about the man himself. But the story is fascinating. Raman fiercely cherished his independence and rejected government support for his research. A sharp critic of many government policies, he was often misunderstood and maligned, though his commitment to science and to its growth in India never wavered. Venkataraman's account deals with all these aspects of Raman's life and work, besides placing them in a proper perspective vis-a-vis the overall Indian scene. Numerous quotations help capture the mood and excitement of those times. The book is not only a lively biography of a colorful personality, but also required reading for anyone with a serious interest in and concern for Indian science.

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Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

Name: Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
Birth: 7 November 1888, Tiruchirappalli, India
Death: 21 November 1970, Bengaluru, India
Institution: Calcutta University, Kolkata, India
Award: "for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him"
Subject: atomic physics, electromagnetism
Portion of cash: 1/1
Scientific Papers
Thought Process
Nobel Medal Cash
B.A., M.A. Physics: Presidency College, Madras.
B.A. 1904: first place, gold medal.
M.A. 1907: highest distinctions.
Research: optics and acoustics.